

This research project in cooperation with Hof University’s Institute for Information Systems will develop an AI-based knowledge system for the construction industry based on spatial awareness and contextual understanding. Given the increasing complexity and volume of data in construction projects, it is increasingly challenging to coordinate them. BauWissKI will test the implementation of a immersive virtual platform that helps various stakeholders extract and add relevant information inside a project-specific “knowledge marketplace”.

AIArchitectureDigital TwinResearchSimulationVirtual Reality


A virtual meeting point

Any construction project involves a large and diverse group of stakeholders. This research project aims to investigate the role of AI and immersive technologies such as VR in creating a “knowledge marketplace” to facilitate access and navigation of project related information for the stakeholders.


A complex data landscape

A construction site is the meeting point of an extremely complex landscape of data that ranges from specification sheets, technical instructions, to product-specific know-how. Stakeholders, ranging from on-site workers to architects and engineers, need better ways to navigate project-related information.


The spatial dimension of a task

By immersing themselves in a digital twin of the construction site, workers can better understand the spatial relationships between different building components. This spatial awareness helps them improve on-site coordination and anticipate potential challenges.


Individual contributions

Stakeholders can actively contribute to the shared “knowledge marketplace” by reporting challenges as they are encountered and by making this information available to all other participants.


Want to know more?

This research project is a common initiative between NUMENA and HOF IISYS. It is funded through an innovation grant for new business models and pioneer solutions awarded by the German Ministry for Finance and Climate Change.

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